Booklet from the Office of the RBI Ombudsman – Maharashtra and Goa
There has been a sizable surge in usage of digital modes of payment during the recent
years. This has not only led to improved customer convenience, but also contributed
to achievement of national objective of financial inclusion to a great extent. As the
ease of doing financial transactions improved, the number of frauds in retail financial
transactions have gone up. Fraudsters have been using innovative methods to defraud
the hard-earned money of common and gullible people, especially new entrants who
are not entirely familiar with the techno-financial eco-system.
In compiling this booklet, the sole objective has been to pack between its covers
maximum possible extent of practical information of real value, especially for those
who are inexperienced in financial transactions. It is not just a collection of incidents,
gathered at random from various sources, but a meticulously compiled document from
the variety of complaints received at offices of Banking Ombudsman. This booklet is
an attempt at creating awareness among public about the modus operandi of the
fraudsters, while also providing some inputs about precautions to adopt while carrying
out financial transactions. This booklet emphasizes the need to keep one’s personal
information safe, beware of unknown calls/emails, practicing due diligence while
performing financial transactions and changing the secure credentials/ passwords
from time to time. Hence the title BE(A)WARE – Be Aware and Beware!
Here is the booklet from Office of the RBI Ombudsman – Maharashtra and Goa
BE(A)WARE – A Booklet on Modus Operandi of Financial Fraudsters-1