A new year means a fresh perspective on your career. Are you really where you want to be? A lot of resolutions are made in the beginning of the year with serious intention to improve our personal and professional selves. However, as the year progresses they fade.
Here are some career resolutions that you can keep through the year with ease and make 2020 your year of career success.
1.Notch-up your Communications
A non- negotiable skill to have, hone in the areas you have neglected – public speaking, email writing, or social media
- Confront habits that hinder productivity
Are you spending too much time on social media, what’s distracting you?
- Get more self-aware
Knowing your professional strengths, weaknesses, needs and goals will help you play them to your advantage
- Take a risk
If you’re nervous about going on camera or public speaking, for example, make 2020 a year to make peace with that.
- Clean-up your online presence.
Are you satisfied with what you see? Consider taking a professional headshot for your LinkedIn profile and CV. This can have real benefits.
- Join a professional networking group
Groups are a great opportunity to make new connections as well as stay on top of what’s happening in your field.
- You are what you read
Adopt a professional reading list and look impressive in your job interviews, also it seeds your growth
Since September 2019, we see a shift in the way businesses in the Middle East are planning their workforce. The hiring decisions are linked to internal and external factors that include the upcoming Expo 2020, Saudi’s mega-projects for vision 2030, FIFA World cup, together with the investments in the region. Giving a significant momentum to hiring across UAE compared to previous years. We have witnessed an increased number of job vacancies in Dubai especially in emerging functions such as digital marketing, app development, analytics and IT security.
The last few months has seen a huge demand for high-skilled caliber in commercial banking, finance and accounting, and information technology professions. We see lot of traction in the employment scene in Dubai even when companies saw consolidation of functions and departments within their organizations. In addition, the government spending and the relative private spending is giving a thrust to the job market in Dubai which is expected to grow faster.
We are sharing some real-time view of talent requirements or jobs by function specifically in the UAE.
47.61 percent of the total jobs in the UAE region were posted in specialized Sales and marketing function, followed by office and administration jobs taking 20.03 percent of the total share of jobs.
Jobs in UAE – outlook for 2020:
The swift pace at which technologies and business models are evolving, there is an inevitable talent and skills crunch globally. 2030 job market is expected be one of scarcity in abundance – there are plenty of skilled people, but not enough with the skills required by organizations.
While the traditional sales and marketing, finance and accounting, and project manager jobs in Dubai will continue to see a steady rise, the candidates who will bring business acumen, problem-solving and critical thinking will have an advantage. Industries that are growing on skills demand include financial services, insurance, and government services. Those with qualifications and experience in cybersecurity security, systems administration, data analysts, as well personal assistants are likely to see a growing demand across well-established industries such as oil and gas, aviation, transportation and healthcare.
Having said that, there is a rich blend of local national and well as expat talent in UAE and the future belongs to the gig or millennial jobs in Dubai and worldwide. In comparison to last four years there is not a better time to find a job in the UAE. However, job seekers should be cautious to not expect salaries that were prevalent six years ago, this is the time when companies are cost-conscious.
Contact Details:
Address: Tiffany Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Contact No: +97154360542
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