
About Us -Jewishcare Sydney |Jewish Social Services

JewishCare NSW has been the major service provider for vulnerable members of our community for over 85 years.  With teams specialising in aged care, mental health & wellbeing, disability services and family and child support services you have the strength of the community behind you.  Reach out to us for the help you need by calling 1300 133 600.


Support and strengthen the resilience and independence of members of our community.


The organisation now known as JewishCare was conceived in 1935 in response to the atrocities in Europe. A telegram from England which was received by Samuel Cohen in March 1936 provided the catalyst for an appeal which aimed to save German Jewry through migration. This appeal was launched on the first day of Passover, April 7 1936. On March 18, 1936, the German Jewish Refugee’s Fund was established which would later become the Australian Jewish Welfare Society, Jewish Community Services and today JewishCare.

It was through the work of the German Jewish Refugee’s Fund that several hundred Jews were saved from Nazi persecution. After the war the then Australian Jewish Welfare Society continued to assist many people to come to Australia and to help them settle here.

JewishCare today is the major provider of non-residential services to our community. Each year JewishCare provides a wide range of services that help 4,000 people. These services are provided in response to the needs of the aged, people with a disability, families and youth in crisis, people with mental health issues. These are often the most vulnerable people in our community and therefore those most in need of our help.

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