Get world class Accountancy Certification Course in Mayur Vihar, Delhi from SLA Consultants India
These days, there can be seen a huge demand for accounts training in multiple companies. Be it an IT organization or the healthcare industry, there will be a need for accounts professionals that can take care of all the finances and its management. Those who want to excel in accounts can join Accounting Course in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi from SLA Consultants India.
You can rely on this institute as it is known as leading accounts training institute. Also, this institute is well known for making the concepts and doubts of the candidates clear through their live projects and well detailed course module. The Accounting Training in Mayur Vihar, Delhi from this institute will make you ideal for any industry. To ensure the placement of the candidates, the institute also performs a placement drive after completion of 70% of the training.
Want to learn accounts from a well-known institute for Accounting Training in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi? If this is your dream then you can get in touch with SLA Consultants India. In this institute, there is a facility of demo classes, workshops, live projects, and an excellent lab facility. Because of this, the candidate can get a detailed accounting training course that helps in clearing all the doubts. So, make sure to contact this distinguished accounting institute for course details.
The best part of this Accounting Institute in Mayur Vihar, Delhi is that it will make you industry ready by offering proper workshops and projects. They also give you a chance to improve your knowledge and skills by working on real projects that will help you to make the corporate world ready. Thus, students can choose SLA Consultants India for the proper accounting training course. With the help of the accounting institute, you can get job placement after course completion. Along with this, candidates will get the options of both offline and Online Accounting Certification in Delhi. You can choose any course as per your exact need.
SLA Consultants India, Accounts Learning Classes in Mayur Vihar, Delhi provides a 100% Interview Guarantee of salary up to 10 Lakhs per annum, for all Graduate, PG, Fresher & work Experience learners. Institute is located in Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi, Noida & Online Accounting Training Programme in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi is available as well.
SLA Consultants Accountancy Certification Course in Delhi, Mayur Vihar, Free Tally SAP FICO Classes, BAT Training Institute, Details is available at the link below:
E-Accounts, E-Taxation & E-GST(Goods & Services Tax) Training Modules
Module 1 – GST- Goods & Services Tax- By Chartered Accountant- (Indirect Tax)
Module 2 – Income Tax & TDS – By Chartered Accountant (Direct Tax)
Module 4 – Banking & Finance Instruments – By Chartered Accountant
Module 5 – Customs / Import & Export Procedures – By Chartered Accountant
Visit Us for Fee & Best Course Offered by “SLA Consultants India“.
Accounting Certification in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi is available online and in the classroom as well in Delhi, Noida & Online MIS Classes.
Contact Us:
SLA Consultants India
82-83, 3rd Floor,Metro Pillar No 52
Vijay Block, Laxmi Nagar
New Delhi, 110092
Call: +91- 8700575874
E-Mail: hr@slaconsultantsindia.com
Website: https://www.slaconsultantsindia.com/